‹ ÿð Strauch Law Firm
Lawyers for the Long Run

257 West Front Street, Suite A
PHONE (406) 532-2600
FAX (406) 542-3332

Laywers for the Long Run


Strauch Law Firm is a full-service litigation firm located in Missoula, Montana. Tim Strauch has handled lawsuits and trials in State and Federal Courts throughout Montana and in Maryland. Mr. Strauch has worked on two of the top jury verdicts in Montana, which include a $52 million verdict in a Butte lender liability case, and a $17 million verdict in a Missoula lender liability case.

The information contained on this website is for the purpose of providing general background information about Strauch Law Firm PLLC and the work we do. However, it is not designed to give you legal advice or legal opinions. You should not rely solely on the materials you view here, as it may not pertain to your particular situation and may have been replaced or modified by more recent developments. We have attempted to provide you with quality information, but we cannot guarantee that the information contained on other websites to which this site is linked is applicable to the legal issues of any particular viewer. The information in this website and linked to this website does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as a substitution for a legal consultation. Access to this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between Strauch Law Firm, PLLC and you, the viewer. You should consult an attorney of your choice regarding any particular issue or question you have.

Strauch Law Firm, PLLC | 257 West Front Street, Suite A, Missoula, MT 59802 | Phone (406) 532-2600 | Fax (406) 542-3332 |
© 2010 Strauch Law Firm, PLLC All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use
